Professional Development

BESA Career and Industry Panel

Last week 5 of our outstanding alumni returned (virtually) to share their career journeys with current BMEGG students. We are grateful for their investment in the continued success of the BMEGG program and students.


UC Davis Grad Slam competition finalists

The BMEGG has two excellent finalists in the annual UC Davis Grad Slam competition. Congratulations to Rajul Bains and Roshni Shetty!



Rajul Bains
Master's student, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group
"Microfluidic Tumor-on-a-Chip Model for Cancer Research"


BMEGG Student Research Symposium 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended, presented, judged, and participated in the BMEGG Student Research Symposium on May 12. I would especially like to thank Christal Wintersmith, Sophie Orr, and Ben Mattison for all of their hard work organizing this event. All of the sessions were excellent, and the “BME IN SPACE!” panel was a lot of fun.

Congratulations to the winners of the Best Oral, Poster, and SciCom Video Awards:

Leora Goldbloom-Helzner and Abby Niesen selected as 2022-2023 Professors for the Future Fellow

Leora Goldbloom-Helzner, BME Ph.D. Candidate under the mentorship of Professor Aijun Wang, and Abby Niesen, BME Ph.D. Candidate under the mentorship of Professor Maury Hull, were recently selected as fellows of the UC Davis Professors for the Future Program for 2022-2023. 

This competitive program provides outstanding Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars with  leadership-development opportunities and a $3000 stipend. The 2022-2023 cohort will engage in the following activities:

Chancellor’s Graduate and Professional Student Advisory Board

Nkechinyere Chidi-Ogbolu, Ph.D. Candidate in BMEGG, recently completed her term as a member of the Chancellor’s Graduate & Professional Student Advisory Board. Nkechi shares, “The board as a whole forms subcommittees to tackle different issues faced by graduate students on campus. Those issue then get related back to the Chancellor and with our suggested solutions. We get feedback from the Chancellor on the most feasible options and then start to work on implementation.

BMEGG Students attend Summer School on Clinical Biophotonics in Germany

UC Davis BMEGG Ph.D. Students Brent Weyers, Amy Becker, Oybek Kholiqov, Justin Migacz, and Xiangnan Zhou journeyed with UC Davis colleagues to Jena, Germany to participate in a Summer School on Clinical Biophotonics.  The trip was funded under a grant that Dr. Laura Marcu and Dr. Juergen Popp (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology) co-wrote to promote collaboration in clinical biophotonics between UC Davis and the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology.


BME PhD Candidate Robin Cumming will represent UC Davis in Washington DC

Congratulations to Robin Cumming (Sutcliffe Lab) for her selection at the  UC Davis representative for the AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering workshop in Washington DC. Robin will attend a two-day workshop and then talk to members of Congress to advocate for the UC Davis and science and engineering research, hopefully convincing our legislature to increase funding research.