Graduate Courses in Biomedical Engineering
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Courses listed by research focus area
*Course schedule is subject to change without notice. Please use Registrar Class Search Tool for most current information.
BIM 201: Scientific Communication for Biomedical Engineers
Course is designed to improve the written and oral communication skills of first-year graduate students through writing fellowship proposals, analyzing data, and critically reviewing research papers.
- Units: 1
- Instructor: Christiansen
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 202: Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
Preparation for research and critical review in the field of cell and molecular biology for biomedical or applied science engineers. Emphasis on biophysical and engineering concepts intrinsic to specific topics including protein traffic, the cytoskeleton, cell motility, cell division, and cell adhesion. Modern topics in mechano-biology of cancer cells and stem cells.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Yamada
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 204: Physiology for Bioengineers
Basic human physiology of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, renal and gastrointestinal systems and their interactions. Emphasis is placed on the physical and engineering principles governing these systems, including control and transport processes, fluid dynamics, and electrochemistry.
- Units: 5
- Instructor: Ripplinger
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 208Y: Towards Well-Being
Mental health issues, key elements in collaboration and team science, and select coping skills to deal with common graduate school stressors. Self-efficacy, resilience, problem-solving, conflict resolution, self-compassion, and role of psychosocial factors in well-being. Wellness topics in art therapy, interaction with nature, soothing sound/music, cooking, and walking. Mind-body activities. Extensive small group discussion.
- Units: 2
- Instructor: Louie
- Next Offered*: Spring 2026
BIM 209: Scientific Integrity for Biomedical Engineers
Scientific integrity and ethics for biomedical engineers, with emphasis and discussion on mentoring, authorship and peer review, use of humans and animals in biomedical research, conflict of interest, intellectual property, genetic technology and scientific record keeping.
- Units: 2
- Instructor: Staff
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 210: Introduction to Biomaterials
Mechanical and atomic properties of metallic, ceramic, and polymeric of implant materials; corrosion, degradation, and failure of implants; inflammation, wound and fracture healing, blood coagulation; properties of bones, joints, and blood vessels; biocompatibility of orthopedic and cardiovascular materials. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Leach
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 217: Mechanobiology
Principles by which biomechanical forces affect cell and tissue function to impact human health and disease. Emphasis on cardiovascular system: structure and function, biofluid mechanics and mechanotransduction, disease mechanisms and research methods. Cartilage, bone and other systems; current topics discussed.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Passerini
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 228: Skeletal Muscle Mechanics: Form, Function, Adaptability
Form, Function, Adaptability Basic structure and function of skeletal muscle is examined at the microscopic and macroscopic level. Muscle adaptation in response to aging, disease, injury, exercise, and disuse. Analytic models of muscle function are discussed. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Smith
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 232: Skeletal Tissue Mechanics
An overview of the mechanical properties of the various tissues in the musculoskeletal system, the relationship of these properties to anatomic and histologic structure, and the changes in these properties caused by aging and disuse. The tissues to be covered include bone, cartilage and synovial fluid, ligament and tendon. Same course as MAE 232. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Christiansen
- Next Offered*: Spring 2026
BIM 233: Soft Tissue Mechanics
Presentation of structure and function of musculoskeletal soft tissues: cartilage, tendon, ligament, meniscus, and intervertebral disc. Instruction in engineering principals governing the mechanical behavior of these tissues: viscoelasticity, quasilinear viscoelasticity, and biphasic theory. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Christiansen
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 239: Advanced Finite Elements and Optimization
Introduction to advanced finite elements and design optimization methods, with application to modeling of complex mechanical, aerospace and biomedical systems. Application of states of the art in finite elements in optimum design of components under realistic loading conditions and constraints. Offered in alternate years. Same course as MAE 239.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Sarigul-Klijn
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 240: Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics
Deformation of the solids and the motion of fluids are treated with state-of-the-art computational methods. Numerical treatment of nonlinear dynamics; classification of coupled problems; applications of finite element methods to mechanical, aeronautical, and biological systems. Offered in alternate years. Same course as MAE 240.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Sarigul-Klijn
- Next Offered*: Winter 2026
BIM 241: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Introduction to equipment, methods, medical applications of MRI. Lectures review basic, advanced pulse sequences, image reconstruction, display and technology and how these are applied clinically. Offered in alternate years
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Fan
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 242: Introduction to Biomedical Imaging
Basic physics and engineering principles of image science. Emphasis on ionizing and nonionizing radiation production and interactions with the body and detectors. Major imaging systems: radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and optical microscopy.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Hernandez
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 243: Radiation Detectors for Biomedical Applications
Radiation detectors and sensors used for biomedical applications. Emphasis on radiation interactions, detection, measurement and use of radiation sensors for imaging. Operating principles of gas, semiconductor, and scintillation detectors. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Kwon
- Next Offered*: Winter 2026
BIM 246: Magnetic Resonance Technology
Covers MRI technology at an advanced level with emphasis on mathematical descriptions and problem solving. Topics include spin dynamics, signal generation, image reconstruction, pulse sequences, biophysical basis of T1, T2, RF, gradient coil design, signal to noise, image artifacts.
- Units: 3
- Instructor: Godinez
- Next Offered*: Spring 2026
BIM 248: Multi-modal Neuroimaging Techniques
Neuroimaging techniques including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) and their multi-modal applications in neuroscience and neurological disorders. Imaging methods and brain biomarkers. Software and coding experience to analyze imaging datasets of brain structure, function, and pathology. Offered in alternate years
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Fan
- Next Offered*: Winter 2026
BIM 252: Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging
Analytic tomographic reconstruction from projections in 2D and 3D; model-based image reconstruction methods; maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods; applications to CT, PET, and SPECT. Same course at EEC 205.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Qi
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 254: Statistical Methods in Genomics
Statistical approaches to problems in computational molecular biology and genomics; formulation of questions via probabilistic modeling, statistical inference methods for parameter estimation, and interpretation of results to address biological questions; application to high-impact problems in functional genomics and molecular biology.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Aviran
- Next Offered*: Fall 2026
BIM 257: Fundamentals of Tissue Optics and Biomedical Applications
Fundamentals of optical properties of tissue. Range of optical technologies and their applications to tissue characterization and diagnostics.
- Units: 5
- Instructor: Marcu & Zawadzki
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 258: Advanced Biophotonics and Bioimaging
Quantitative basis for biophotonics and bioimaging, with an emphasis on the physical and mathematical description of optics, light propagation, and light-tissue interactions. Advantages and limitations of various optical imaging and sensing technologies. Illustrative applications in diagnostics, basic research, and therapy. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Zawadzki
- Next Offered*: Winter 2026
BIM 260: Techniques in Molecular & Cellular Mechanics
Physical techniques used to visualize and manipulate mechanical processes in cells. Biophysical techniques used to characterize cellular and molecular mechanics, with a particular emphasis on single molecule technologies.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Sivasankar
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 262: Cell and Molecular Biophysics for Bioengineers
Introduction to fundamental mechanisms governing the structure, function, and assembly of bio-macromolecules. Emphasis is on a quantitative understanding of the nano-to-microscale interactions between and within individual molecules, as well as of their assemblies, in particular membranes.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Heinrich
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 263: Optical Microscopy Hands-On
Informed use of an optical research microscope. Analysis of digitized images. Optical image formation and its limitations. Laboratories on modern microscope usage and videomicroscopy techniques including optimization of recorded images and quantification of microscopic distances and displacements. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Heinrich
- Next Offered*: Spring 2026
BIM 264: Synthetic and Systems Engineering of Cells
Introduction to the design, engineering, and control of biological systems for biotechnological applications and biological studies. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Tan
- Next Offered*: Fall 2026
BIM 280: Neural Signals & Machine Learning Tools for Neural Data
Select and use machine learning tools to analyze neural data. Knowledge of the definitions and fundamental principles of data analytics related to neural data including field potentials (EEG, iEEG, local field potentials, EMG) and single neuron or muscle action potentials. Neural decoding/encoding, how to apply classifiers, regression and dimension reduction techniques, factor analysis and dynamic modeling.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Moxon
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 281: Acquisition and Analysis of Biomedical Signals
Basic concepts of digital signal recording and analysis; sampling; empirical modeling; Fourier analysis, random, and spectral analysis applied to biomedical signals.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Zawadzki & Jonnal
- Next Offered*: Spring 2025
BIM 283: Advanced Design of Experiments for Biomedical Engineers
Provides biomedical engineering graduate students with the tools to properly design experiments, collect and analyze data, and extract, communicate and act on information generated. Not open for credit to students who have taken EBS 265.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Rocke
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 284: Mathematical Methods for Biomedical Engineers
Theoretical and numerical analyses of linear and nonlinear systems, ordinary and partial differential equations that describe biological systems and instruments that measure them. Students will be introduced to numerical solution techniques.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Duan
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 286: Nuclear Imaging in Medicine and Biology
Radioactive decay, interaction of radiation with matter, radionuclide production, radiation detection, digital autoradiography, gamma camera imaging, single photon emission computed tomography, positron emission tomography and applications of these techniques in biology and medicine.
- Units: 4
- Instructor: Roncali
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 288: Living Matter: Physical Biology of the Cell
Introduction to the origin, maintenance, and regulation of the dynamic architecture of the cell, including cellular modes of organization, dynamics and energy dissipation, molecular transport, motility, regulation, and adaptability. Offered in alternate years. Same course as EMS 288 and BPH 288.
- Units: 3
- Instructor: Parikh
- Next Offered*: Winter 2025
BIM 289 A-E: Selected topics
BIM 290: Graduate Seminar in Biomedical Engineering
- Units: 1
BIM 290 C: Graduate Research Conference
- Units: 1
BIM 295: Literature in Neuroengineering
Critical presentation and discussion of current literature in neuroengineering. Same course as NSC 295.
- Units: 2
- Instructor: Pedersen, Ditterich
- Next Offered*: Fall 2025
BIM 299: Graduate Research
- Units: 1-12
BIM 396: Teaching Assistant Training Practicum
- Units: 1-4
Graduate Courses that are not currently offered:
BIM 211: Design of Polymeric Biomaterials and Biological Interfaces
Design, selection and application of polymeric biomaterials. Integration of the principles of polymer science, surface science, materials science and biology. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
BIM 212: Biomedical Heat and Mass Transport Processes
Application of principles of heat and mass transfer to biomedical systems; related to heat exchange between the biomedical system and its environment, mass transfer across cell membranes and the design and analysis of artificial human organs. Offered in alternate years. Same course as MAE 212.
- Units: 4
BIM 213: Principles and Applications of Biological Sensors
Biological sensors based on principles of electrochemical, optical and affinity detection. Methods for integration of sensing elements (e.g. enzymes) into biosensors and miniaturization of biosensors.
- Units: 4
BIM 214: Continuum Biomechanics
Continuum mechanics relevant to bioengineering. Concepts in tensor calculus, kinematics, stress and strain, and constitutive theories of continua. Selected topics in bone, articular cartilage, blood/circulation, and cell biomechanics will illustrate the derivation of appropriate continuum mechanics theories.
- Units: 4
BIM 216: Advanced topics in Cellular Engineering
Advanced research strategies and technologies used in the study of immune function and inflammation. Static and dynamic measurements of stress, strain, and molecular scale forces in blood and vascular cells, as well as genetic approaches to the study of disease.
- Units: 4
BIM 221: Drug Delivery Systems
Fundamental engineering and biotechnology principles critical for the formulation and delivery of therapeutic agents, including peptide/protein drugs and small molecules.
- Units: 4
BIM 222: Cytoskeletal Mechanics
Current topics in cytoskeletal mechanics including physical properties of the cytoskeleton and motor proteins, molecular force sensor and generator, cytoskeletal regulation of cell motility and adhesion. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
BIM 223: Multibody Dynamics
Coupled rigid-body kinematics/dynamics; reference frames; vector differentiation; configuration and motion constraints; holonomicity; generalized speeds; partial velocities; mass; inertia tensor/theorems; angular momentum; generalized forces; comparing Newton/Euler, Lagrange’s, Kane’s methods; computer-aided equation derivation; orientation; Euler; Rodrigues parameters. Same course as MAE 223.
- Units: 4
BIM 225: Spatial Kinematics and Robotics
Spatial kinematics, screw theory, spatial mechanisms analysis and synthesis, robot kinematics and dynamics, robot workspace, path planning, robot programming, real-time architecture and software implementation. Offered in alternate years. Same course as MAE 225.
- Units: 4
BIM 251: Medical Image Analysis
Techniques for assessing the performance of medical imaging systems. Principles of digital image formation and processing. Measurements that summarize diagnostic image quality and the performance of human observers viewing those images. Definition of ideal observer and other mathematical observers that may be used to predict performance from system design features. Offered in alternate years.
- Units: 4
BIM 265: NanoEngineering
Inorganic and organic nanomaterials and their technological applications in medicine, imaging, energy harvesting, and computing. Fundamentals and applications of methods to fabricate, image, and analyze materials and devices that are structured at the nanometer scale. Intermolecular forces between atoms and molecules and how these forces give rise to exploitable phenomena at the nanoscale.
- Units: 4
BIM 272: Tissue Engineering
Based on morphogenetic signals, responding stem cells and extracellular matrix scaffolding. Design and development of tissues for functional restoration of various organs damaged/lost due to cancer, disease and trauma. Fundamentals of morphogenetic signals, responding stem cells and extracellular matrix scaffolding.
- Units: 3
BIM 273: Integrative Tissue Engineering and Technologies
Engineering principles to direct cell and tissue behavior and formation. Contents include controlled delivery of macromolecules, transport within and around biomaterials, examination of mechanical forces of engineered constructs, and current experimental techniques used in the field.
BIM 287: Concepts in Molecular Imaging
Current techniques and tools for molecular imaging. Emphasis on learning to apply principles from the physical sciences to imaging problems in medicine and biology. Offered in alternate years.