BMEGG Student Research Conference 2015
Our 4th annual Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Student Research Conference, held on May 15, 2015, was a wonderful day of research and discussion highlighting our outstanding students. Professor Victor Barocas from the University of Minnesota kicked off the event with a terrific plenary talk. The day was well-attended by students at all levels, and the quality of research displayed in the oral and poster presentations was truly impressive.
Congratulations again to the students who received special recognition for their presentations:

Best Oral Presentation
Chris Chapman (Seker lab), “Nanoporous Gold as a Neural Interface Coating: Effects of Topography, Surface Chemistry, and Feature Size”

Best Poster Presentations
Pantea Gheibi (Revzin lab), “Endogenous Signals Shape Phenotype of Primary Hepatocytes Cultured in Microchambers”

Best Poster Presentations
Wooten “Trey” Simpson (Heinrich lab), “Measuring Nanoscale Biochemical Interactions on the Surface of Optically Trapped Particles”

People’s Choice Award
Chris Chapman (Seker lab)